Archive for May, 2011

Why do I do what I do

Posted: May 31, 2011 by piusranson in Uncategorized

Many have questioned me, or doubted by intentions on my decision to receive communion kneeling, on the tongue at every mass. or warned me against my interest (not really a big interest) in the traditional liturgy, which many seminarians have thought that many youths’ interest in this, is just a distorted spirituality and it’s all in the name of fun, and is an issue which many priests have gone political over.

A seminarian asked me once on why the “hoo-ha” over Liturgy, over rubrics, over liturgical abuses, over the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. And I think I responded telling him, that, all we want, is to praise God, to worship God in the best possible manner we can give to him. I believe that if Holy Masses if celebrated in dignity, in a praiseworthy form, no one would be asking for the traditional mass. He went on to tell me how our every focus should be on Jesus and everything else comes after. I don’t disagree with him and I do acknowledge that many people enforcing the traditional liturgy, don’t handle situations well, and often, not in charity. However, i must say that it’s precisely that our focus is on Jesus, that we want to do everything in the perfect manner for the glory of God.

Also, sometimes, we can so focused on just the Jesus factor that we forget we have to take concrete steps, concrete avenues to help us to be closer to Jesus, closer to God, and this is where i feel liturgy has its importance. This is also one of the reasons why i will always think twice before going back to the seminary for a vocation retreat or recollection. Because the brothers there just see us in a different light as though we have done something really wrong when all we are doing is just being faithful to the Church or even to the Pope’s 7/7/2007 motu proprio.

Regarding communion kneeling and on the tongue, I admit that in the beginning, it’s more on “I want to stand out” and alot of pride is in it. Then I prayed about it, or in a way, meditated about it. and contemplated that since it’s going to be attracting bad light, i probably should just stand for communion like the others. But i found myself with a completely different mentality now. I want to return to standing for communion and to be honest, i find myself not being able to do it and it’s of this mentality that, hey, this is God. God is in front of me when the minister says “the Body of Christ”, it is my God, it is the all-mighty God in front of me, who humbled himself into this tiny piece of host and all im doing is kneeling in adoration towards my God. And everytime I kneel, i will pray that i dont get attention and that it’s all done for the glory of God.